Digital health dashboard

Take control of your health
Ancora Health offers an innovative health platform for consumers where medical data is brought together to provide personalized lifestyle advice to put the end user in control.
Revisiting the initial goal
Ancora Health has taken up the challenge to make health transparent and understandable. From reactive to preventive health care. The goal is to realize an innovative online platform that uses traditional research data and far-reaching medical analysis. The platform takes the user by the hand every step in the process.
Now, 1,5 years later many things have changed. Ancora Health has been able to grow and establish themselves as leaders in preventative health. Collaborations have steadily continued, with Sigbar building upon the initial goal of making a scalable platform focused on the user experience without compromising on safety.

Scale up process
Faced with an influx of new clients, scaling up processes and high efficacy, Ancora Health has been able to maintain their human touch as their first priority. The first task at hand was building the platform itself. Soon after, the priorities and our expertise were relocated to automating their internal processes by creating internal tools and admin panels. These steps facilitated further growth and simultaneously assisted eliminating time consuming activities.

Steps that were taken
Throughout the collaboration process, many improvements and innovative solutions have been implemented to aid Ancora’s expansion. Therefore, a list of actions and their benefits has been listed below.
- Designing a platform in such a way that it is modular was key. React JS program assisted with the creation of scalable blocks and features. This allows the platform to easily adapt to new requirements or changes in the market.
- Applying our user centered design, grants constant evaluation on the end user’s capability of using the service.
- Improving the platform with the latest security & privacy measures has enabled confidential data to remain safe.

"Our experience in the field allows us to guide the client to make the right decisions"
Results & the future
After having your data collected through the onboarding process, insight into biomarkers, genes and how the user can improve their lifestyle in the future is provided. This so-called health passport is compiled for the end user and provides clear insight into the current state of health and which lifestyle changes can contribute to improved health.
Subsequently, after a successful beta launch late 2019, Ancora Health has undergone continuous growth and shows a great desire to successfully scale up. Therefore, new additions to the team have been briefed and brought on to strengthen Ancora’s further development. This will allow for our expertise to shift from a coding focused approach, more towards the consulting end.

Would you like to know more?

Do you have questions, ideas or would you like to know more about what we do for Ancora Health?